Monday, April 18, 2011

When I am composed, cool calm and collected I look like this:

Hello Readers, I have wanted to post this picture of me for quite a while, but during Me Made March I forgot, and then it did not fit any of the themes I had in mind. So I decided that I would post it today - some of you have requested photos of me, and I admit there are not many. Why? because I often get changed into jeans and a tee shirt when I get home and then I forget I was wearing some awesome item which I wanted to blog about. Another reason is that I work full time and am not paid to blog (although I confess I do upload the odd photo and post the odd message during work hours) so I have tried to blog from home. As you may recall I do not have very good internet broadband at home and uploading photos often fails. So its a multi-factorial situation: sometimes I just simply forget to take a photo, sometimes I take a photo and forget to post it, sometimes I take a photo and I hate it. The photo above was taken by Dear Daughter, and I am leaning against the new stone wall in my garden with the free dahlia plants behind me. This photo was taken late in the day last month now the sun is almost set by the time I get home so the light is not suitable for taking pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand ... a year ago, I worked full time .... when I leaving the house was dawn, when I get home it was night, so could only spend time sewing and photos and blog on the weekends. Overwhelming!
    I'm glad to see you!


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