Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Me Made March Wednesday 23rd March

Wore this skirt today with light green thrifted Portmans fitted short sleeve shirt and David Elman shoes. Weather has cooled down quite a bit and for the first time I did wish I was wearing socks as my feet felt cold. Yesterday I wore a denim skirt and a me made top which I forgot to take a picture usual.

On a different note, while uploading photo of skirt I found a photo of this lovely Batik /ethnic / malaysian looking material in my stash which I bought from TradeMe.

Yes, dear reader those are indeed my favourite flowers - peonies! That is why I bought the fabric. I am wondering what I might do with this fabric I keep looking at it, but some how I cannot find the right pattern. Do you ever face this dilemma? You have the fabric but cannot find the perfect pattern? Or have you found the cutest pattern and now must go on a quest to find the ideal fabric? Below is a picture of a pattern I paid $4 for which for me is a lot. Most of my vintage patterns are purchased for 50 cents from thrift stores.

I really love the different styles of blouse - the ruffled jabot and the ruffled v neck in particular. My problem is that I cannot think what kind of fabric I would want to use for this project. Maybe something soft and drapey? I also think I can make and wear one of the pullover dresses - I like the look of the tweed check pattern! I have seen some very good blogs and websites about vintage patterns with comments about what the models might be saying to each other if they were real people rather than drawings. I think the lady at the back with the blonde pony tail is ignoring the two at the front because they are being mean to her. The lady with the ruffled jabot reminds me of Marnie a little!

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